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Baptism is a sacrament.
It is a divine act; a promise and gift God gives to us.
It is an act that God initiates through the grace of Jesus Christ
and the work of the Holy Spirit celebrated by the church family as the Body of Christ.

Our Next Baptism Sunday will be MARCH 23, 2025
Baptism Class: March 9, 2025 (class is mandatory and must register by March 2nd)

To be baptized at First UMC Coral Springs means that the person/family:

  • At least one parent, guardian or sponsor must be a member of
    First Church Coral Springs to have an infant or child baptized.

  • Adult and Teens should consider First Church their church home.

  • Completes a baptism class given by the pastor

  • Continues growing their faith at First Church

We offer the choice of sprinkling, pouring or immersion.
We do not re-baptize those who already received Christian Baptism.


  1. Do I have to be baptized for God to save me?  

    No. God is free to offer God's salvation if for some reason you have not been baptized by the time you die.

  2. If I am baptized, does that mean I will be saved no matter what?

    No. Baptism BEGINS God’s work of saving us by cleansing us of sin and beginning the work of renewing us fully into the image of Christ. Baptism starts the process. It does not complete it. As John Wesley sometimes put it, we may "sin away the grace received at baptism." 

  3. Is there an age requirement to be baptized?

    No. We baptize infants, teens and adults.

  4. Does baptism make me a member of The United Methodist Church?

    Yes, it does. You are considered a baptized member in that local church and in The United Methodist Church from that point forward. 

To learn more about the meaning of the sacrament of Baptism: watch this video!
For additional questions contact Lisa Gonzales